ATTENTION! NOTICE of Ms. Hughes's Blog Address Change!

ATTENTION!! I have a NEW blog now.

As of the NEW YEAR (2011), this blog you are currently on will serve as an archive of OLD things, NOT any NEW things!

To go to my NEW BLOG, go to:

WR12 Where The World Began -- a modeling assignment

Assignment Task: Write YOUR narrative explaining where your "world" began. The idea of "world can be interpreted as you wish.

Requirements: Must be no fewer than ONE page and no longer than TWO pages.
Font: Ariel
Size: 12 pt

Modeling requirements:

** Must use purposeful sentence variety. Sentence variety is used to create a desired effect.

** Purposeful and effective voice.

Must have at least three (3) of each of the following:

1. metaphor
2. simile

Must have at least one (1) of:
3. allusion
4. onomatopoeia
5. repetition

DRAFTING: 3 drafts minimum.
1st draft checked on: 28 Sept
2nd draft checked on: 30 Sept
3rd draft checked on: 4 Oct

Final: Must be posted on to student's portfolio blog by: Midnight on October 6th.

Hand in your drafting in class on the 6th of October.

Ms. Hughes' school supply list ...

There are many options out there for school supplies. I recommend the following for my classes. If you choose to deviate from my suggestion, just remember THE MINIMUM requirement is that you have a binder with dividers, lined loose leaf paper, a blue or black ink ball point pen, and a pencil with eraser EVERY class.

My preference ... the tried and true.

1. A 1 1/2" - 2" binder.
2. A spiral bound 100 page notebook (for the chronological organizing and maintaining of notes).
3. Dividers (4 recommended; one for each term and one for loose leaf paper storage).
4. A package of loose leaf, 3-rind binder paper (stored at back of binder; 20 sheets at all times).
5. A pencil case.
6. Several ball point pens (blue and black ink).
7. Several pencils (HB).
8. A white, plastic eraser.
9. A highlighter.
10. A selection of coloured ball point pens or fine liners (for colour coding notes).
11. "white out"

Summer Vacation Mode

Looking forward to seeing you all on September 7th, 2010. Enjoy a SAFE and HAPPY summer!

English 8 Final Exam -- Info on What to Expect

English 8 Final Exam

When: Tuesday June 15th @ 8:45AM
Be there by 8:15 ... 8:30 at the latest.
Where: Big Gym
What MUST you have to write the exam?
• 2 or 3 HB pencils
• 2 or 3 blue or black ink pens
• a REALLY good eraser. White plastic recommended.
Be there by 8:30 at the latest

Bring water.

FORMAT of EXAM and What to Review/Study:

• approx. 100 questions.
• Multiple choice (approx. 60)
• Fill in the blank. (approx. 40 marks)
• Sight passages – a passage, poem, short story etc. that you have not been taught. You must read it and answer questions.
• Romeo and Juliet – key scenes and Shakespearean sonnet form. Know the two sonnets from the play: prologue, palmer’s kiss (I, v), characters, key events, conflict, setting, Montagues? Capulets?
• Elements of the short story
• Figurative devices for poetry
• A LOT of application of learning that has been done throughout the year.


English 12 for the balance of year

May 25 -- "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
May 27 -- 30 Minutes of Guidance + a further look at Provincial Exam with strategies etc.
June 2 -- Poetry Unit Final Exam. This will take the entire class. It includes objective questions and a written response and is worth 30% of Term 3. See salmon colored sheet for details.
June 4 -- Siddhartha novel completion test. This test will tell me that you have finished the book and have understanding of plot, character, conflicts, themes, etc.
The balance of this class will be further analysis of the text and its themes.
June 8 -- Siddhartha work and focused close reading continues.
June 10-- LAST DAY OF EN12 :o( There will be an in-class essay on Siddhartha today. Value = approximately 15% of Term 3. This will take the entire period.

Remember to attend the English 12 Tutorial; check exam and tutorial schedules for further information.

English 12 Poetry Unit Final Exam -- JUNE 2, 2010 !! NOTE: NEW DATE!!

Poem Poet Form # of times reviewed
The World is Too Much With Us William Wordsworth Italian Sonnet/lyric
Let Me Not to the Marriage of True minds William Shakespeare Elizabethan Sonnet/lyric
Nuns Fret Not William Wordsworth Italian Sonnet/lyric
What Lips my lips have kissed Edna St. Vincent Millay Italian Sonnet/lyric
Love is not all, it is not meat nor drink Edna St. Vincent Millay Elizabethan Sonnet/lyric
The Dumka B.H. Fairchild Free Verse/lyric
Mending Wall Robert Frost Blank Verse/lyric
Woodtick Joy Kogawa Free Verse/lyric
The Lake Isle of Innisfree William Butler Yeats Lyric
As I Walked Out One Evening W.H. Auden Ballad
Funeral Blues (Stop All The Clocks) W.H. Auden Elegy
Ulysses Alfred Lord Tennyson Dramatic Monologue
Ode on a Grecian Urn John Keats Ode
English 12
May 2010
Name: _________________
English 12 Poetry Unit (2009-2010) and Poetry Exam Info

The above are the poems for which you are responsible for this poetry unit (note: each of these poems can be found on line if you have lost your copy).

The Poetry Unit Exam will be on June 2nd. This is a MAJOR exam. It will be valued at approximately 30% of Term 3; you must be there unless you have a doctor’s note.

It will consist of the following types of questions:

 Multiple choice questions
 A written response analysis question

You must be prepare yourself to

 Apply all the literary devices and poetic terminology as studied and provided on English 12 terminology sheet.
 Know the information in the chart provided above.
 Be able to apply devices, terminology and analysis to the poems studied in the unit and also to sight poems found on the poetry unit exam.
 Understand and be able to apply TP-CASTT
 Compare and contrast themes among the poems.
 Demonstrate that you can write about poetry using the conventions taught and expected.

English 8 BA notes at start of poetry unit May 10th, 2010 (review sonnet form)

Here's the latest from Ms. Hughes
10 Day 1s remaining.

You have a FINAL Exam in English 8 ... ALL multiple choice may contain a paragraph response.

Sight passages for poetry and short story. You will be tested on Romeo and Juliet.

Final Exam is valued at 10% of the year.

Term 1 = 30%, Term 2 = 30%, [T2 contains midyear], Term 3 =30%



Iambic pentameter is the meter

Elizabethan sonnet (Shakespearean or English)

abab cdcd efef gg

quatrain +quatrain + quatrain + rhyming couplet (heroic)

iambic pentameter

Petrarchan (Italian)

abba abba cdcdcd (or cde cde OR cc dd ee OR any combination of paired Cs Ds or Es)


abba abba *** cde cde

octave *** (= VOLTA)+ sestet

volta = point of shift in a sonnet. It occurs between the

octave and the sestet at the beginning of the 9th line.

Iambic pentameter

Each line of meter can be counted in FEET.

BUT there are many types of feet.

In Iambic Pentameter the feet are called iambs or iambic feet.

u/ u/ u/ u/ u/ = the symbols for a line of iambic pentameter

u = short syllable or unstressed

/ = long syllable or stressed

u/ = an iamb or iambic foot

u / x 5 per line

iambic pentameter

All sonnets have 14 lines

Set Rhyme Scheme

(see above)

Excellent Poetry Glossary from U of T

See link listed below in link list.

Excellent Poetry Resource for Understanding Poetic Forms (for all Grades)

Here's the latest from Ms. Hughes

See the link below for Connections: A Hypertext Resource for Poetry

Seriously ... check it out and incorporate into your study and review.

English 12 students ... ALL students!

Here's the latest from Ms. Hughes

Check out the link below on TP-CASTT ... it is a method that works when analyzing poetry!

Byng Arts English 8 Block 2-1 ... IMPORTANT! Log into our lit circle blog! AND Parents, please talk to your kids about this assignment. :o)

Hello English 8 Byng Arts 2-1 and parents of same. :o) Just a reminder that you students should be registered with the blog space by now in order to begin your lit circle discussions. Things have begun and not all of you are there!

To the parents, this is a CLOSED blog only viewable by blog authors and only our class are authors. I encourage you to go onto the blog with your child and take a look at the current project, the rubric, the expectations, etc. and read some of the posts done within your child's group.

The kids chose among THREE titles: The Eyre Affair, The Eagle of the Ninth, and Come Like Shadows.

Some great discussion has already begun, so please encourage your child to check in often, participate in the discussion and make posts; remind them that they must do a minimum of ONE post per week on the question posed in "Focus Questions."

The blog is

Again, you will need to have your child log in to see the blog as it is a private blog for the class.

All the best,

Amy Hughes

Sonnet Prezi on some basics of the Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnet forms

Here's the latest from Ms. Hughes:

Check out the clickable link below to access the prezi on sonnets.


Block 1-3 on Thursday the 4th
Block 2-1 on Friday the 5th
Block 2-4 on Friday the 5th



Shall I Compare thee?
Prologue from R and J
sonnet from Act 1 Scene five of R and J (Palmer's Kiss)

upcoming Petrarchan sonnet.

Must know rules for the sonnet.


These will be removed from the class at the end of the day on Tuesday March 2nd, 2010.

PLEASE make sure you have your card complete, up to date and in class.

TERM 2 Reading, Speaking/Listening/Citiz. Self Assessment Rubrics

DUE By Friday March 5th, 2010!

EN12 Sonnet Quiz

Thursday 4th of March /38

Sonnet Test

M/C 15 marks

Fill in the blank 5 marks

One short Answer /6 marks x 3 (written response) = 18 marks

38 Marks

Valued at ______TBA%

Shane Koyczan RULES!

If you missed him at the Byng Arts Fab Day before Christmas or missed him at the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics ... here is a link to Shane. I'll also put it into the links to the right.


Here is an EXCELLENT review of Elements of the Short Story!

Mid Year Exams are on the horizon. Here is a printable handout re: elements of the short story, in case your notes are missing or incomplete.

You'll need to copy and paste it into a browser.