ATTENTION! NOTICE of Ms. Hughes's Blog Address Change!

ATTENTION!! I have a NEW blog now.

As of the NEW YEAR (2011), this blog you are currently on will serve as an archive of OLD things, NOT any NEW things!

To go to my NEW BLOG, go to:
English 11 Enriched

First In-class of the year.

Value = 10% of Term 1

Day of In-Class: Tuesday 29 September, 2009

You will need:

  • blue or black ink pen
  • copy of Oedipus Rex or The Theban Plays
You may use:
  • graph done for summer reading assignment
  • pages of notes on Tragedy as made using Aristotle's Poetics re: Theory of Tragedy from website provided
You may write for 80 minutes.

Here's the latest from Ms. Hughes.

Here is the link to the "Outline of Aristotle's Theory of Tragedy from Poetics"

Cut and paste the above link into your browser.

  1. Take notes on each of the stages of in Aristotle's Theory of Tragedy as found on this site.
  2. Divide a page into two (2) columns. On the left side column, list the element of tragedy from Poetics. On the right side column, provide and example and quotation from the text of Oedipus the King (aka Oedipus Rex)
Due Date: Monday 21st September, 2009. You will be allowed to use these pages of notes during the in class. on Monday.